They serve to convey in the written form the effects which in the oral type of speech are expressed by intonation and stresses. We refer here the emphatic use of the punctuation and deliberate change of the spelling of a word. Types of Graphical Stylistic Devices: Multiplication: (Allll aboarrrrd!) shows intensity of speech. Hyphonation: (grinning like a chim-pan-zee). Hyphenation of a word suggests the rhymed or clipped manner in which it is uttered. Capitalization: (they LOVE him) Capitalized words are italicized and pronounced with great emphasis. The use of italics, the use of punctuation: I Love him!!! And the use Typical resection (загл.) Graphon is intentional violation of the spelling of a word (or word combination) used to reflect its authentic pronunciation. Graphon proved to be an extremely concise but effective means of supplying information about the speaker’s origin, social and educational background, physical or emotional condition, etc. • Graphons can also show the physical defects of the speakers like stumbling or lisping; • Graphons convey authentic pronunciation, some peculiarity in pronouncing words or phrases emphatically; • Most graphons show features of territorial or social dialect of the speaker. For e.g. London cockney dialect; Graphon, thus individualizing the character’s speech, adds vividness and memorability. According to the frequency of usage, variability of functions, the first place among graphical means of foregrounding is occupied by italics. Italics are used to single out epigraphs, citations, foreign words, allusions serving the purpose of emphasis. Italics add logical or emotive significance to the words. Through graphons an author reveals and emphasizes his viewpoint.
THE LINGUISTIC MECHANISM OF METAPHOR, VARIETIES AND STYLISTIC FUNCTIONS OF METAPHORS. PERSONIFICATION. CATACHRESIS. Metaphor is lexico-phraseological stylistic device, based on the interaction of logical and contextual meaning of the word. The semantic structure of metaphor consists of 3 components: 1) the object of our thoughts; 2) the object with which we compare it; 3) ground for comparison; Types of metaphor: 1) Trite metaphor = языковая метафора = dead metaphor – it’s predictability is high, low expressiveness, easy to decode, frequently used, fixed in dictionary as a secondary meaning Ex. Spring is coming! Road(=way) to success. Ray of hope, food for thought, seed of evil, to swallow the hint 2) Genuine metaphor has a low predictability, more implication. It is a creation of the author, the reader needs effort to decode. Genuine metaphors are used in emotive prose, poetry, imaginative literature, and trite metaphors are a typical feature of spoken English, newspaper and publicist styles. Metaphor can be: 1) simple – 1 word, 1 usage 2) extended (sustained) – consist of metaphor and those words which are semantically related to the 1 metaphor. A beautiful swan1 spreads2 her wings3. = reminds the idea to become popular 1, 2, 3 are semantically related. Another type of metaphor is Personification in which the author identifies inanimate object with a human being. E.g. The face of London. Pain of the ocean. Allegory – a type of metaphor expressing abstract ideas or principles through concrete pictures of characters. Ex. “The Lord of the Flies” Stylistic functions of metaphor - creates imagery - draws attention - adds originality - produces an emotional impact - adds poetical flavoring - gives deeper meaning to literally words - helps present complex and indescribable thingsThe metaphor may be expressed by nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Sometimes a metaphor is not confined to one image. The writer finds it necessary to prolong the image by adding a number of other images, but all these additional images are linked with the main, central image. Such metaphors are called sustained or prolonged metaphors. Catachresis is a figure of speech in which writers use mixed metaphors in an inappropriate way, to create rhetorical effect. Often, it is used intentionally to create a unique expression. Catachresis is also known as an exaggerated comparison between two ideas or objects. Mixed metaphors are good examples of catachresis, and writers often use them to create rhetorical effect. They are used to express extreme alienation or heightened emotions. Catachresis is considered as a mistake in language, as it may change the meanings of words. It is a combination of different types of figures of speech. It is prominently used in post-structuralist literary works, since those writers were expert in using wordplay, and creating confusion in literary texts, which is an important part of catachresis. METONYMY, ITS VARIETIES AND STYLISTIC FUNCTIONS. SYNECDOCHE. Metonymy is a figure of speech that names a part of something to refer to the whole.( The White House declared … (White House = US government / President))
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