The functions of GSL are the following:
1) it signals the introduction of inner represented speech; 2) it indicates a subjective evaluation of the facts; 3) it displays an unexpected coupling of ideas. The gap-sentence link requires a certain mental effort to embrace the unexpressed additional information. GSL aims at stirring up in the reader's mind the suppositions, associations and conditions under which the sentence uttered can really exist. TYPES OF INTERPLAY BETWEEN LOGICAL AND NOMINAL LEXICAL MEANINGS. THE STYLISTIC FUNCTIONS OF ANTONOMASIA. The interplay between the logical and nominal meanings of a word is called antonomasia. It is based on the interaction of lexical meanings, the two kinds of meanings must be realized in the word simultaneously. Antonomasia is the use of a proper name instead of common noun or vice-versa. It can be metaphorical when based on similarity. He is the Byron of our days. Antonomasia can be metonymical when based on some association between a name & a referent The family Curse. Antonomasia is intended to point out the leading, most characteristic feature or event, at the same time pinning this leading trait as a proper name to the person or event concerned. Antonomasia is a lexical stylistic device in which a proper name is used instead of a common noun or vice versa. Its logical meaning serves to denote concepts and thus to classify individual objects into groups (classes). The nominal meaning of a proper name is suppressed by its logical meaning and acquires the new – nominal – component. Nominal meaning has no classifying power for it applies to one single individual object with the aim not of classifying it constituting a definite group, but, on the contrary with the aim of singling it out of the group of similar objects, of individualizing one particular object. The word “Mary” does not indicate if the denoted object refers to the class of women, girls, boats, cats, etc. But in the example, “He took little satisfaction in telling each Mary, something…” the attribute “each”, used with the name, turns it into a common noun denoting any woman. Here we deal with a case of antonomasia of the first type.
STYLISTIC STRATIFICATION OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY. NEUTRAL, COMMON LITERALY AND COMMON COLLOQUIAL LAYERS OF THE LEXICAL STOCK. The division of the English language into 2 varieties (spoken and written) was accompanied by stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary. The matter is that the written variety is characterized by the use of typically literary/bookish words. Thus we can speak about the literary layer of words – литературный пласт. The spoken variety is characterized by the use of colloquial words having a lively, spoken character. The majority of words make up the neutral layer. They form the bulk of the English vocabulary. Neutral words have a universal character; they can be used in spoken and written language. They are the most stable units and do not change much in the course of time. they are stylistically neutral : they have no stylistic colouring, no positive or negative connotation, they are not marked by any labels in dictionaries. They are polysemantic and some of their meanings may be stylistically coloured. Neutral words are the main source of polysemy and synonymy. They are apt to generate new stylistic variants. nut – head, cool (прохладный) – excellent. Common literary words are chiefly used in writing and polished speech. It may seem difficult to distinguish a literary word from a colloquial word as no objective criteria of classification have been worked out. The opposition between literary, colloquial and neutral can become more apparent in pairs/ groups of synonyms. kid-child-infant, daddy-father-parent, chap-fellow-associate, go on, continue, proceed. As can be seen from the chart, the main distinction between the synonyms is stylistic. Common colloquial vocabulary overlaps into the standard English vocabulary and is therefore to be considered part of it. It borders both on the neutral vocabulary and on the special colloquial vocabulary. Both common literary and common colloquial words are not homogenious. Some of them are closer to the non-standard groups while other words approach the neutral bulk of the vocabulary.
STYLISTIC STRATIFICATION OF THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY. SPECIAL LITERARY WORDS. Literary words, both general (also called learned, bookish, high-flown) and special, contribute to the message the tone of solemnity, sophistication, seriousness, gravity, learnedness. They are used in official papers and documents, in scientific communication, in high poetry, in authorial speech of creative prose. · Terms - words denoting objects, processes, phenomena of science, humanities, technique. · Poetic and Highly Literary Words Poetic words are mostly archaic or very rarely used highly literary words which aim at producing an elevated effect.
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