IX. Перефразируйте предложения, употребив Complex Object . Сделайте все необходимые изменения.
1. We didn’t expect that he would arrive by plane. 2. The patient wanted that the doctor examined him. 3. I felt that his hand was trembling. X. Выделите Complex Subject. Переведите предложения . 1. They seem to be planning a new attempt. 2. The students are sure to come again. 3. The processes are considered to be interconnected. XI. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Переведите письменно 3-ий абзац текста. Scotland 1. Scotland is a country in the north of Great Britain. It is a part of the United Kingdom. Scotland is divided into three natural regions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands and the Highlands and islands. A lot of places in Scotland are a natural paradise, still untouched by man. 2. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, well known for its castle. Glasgow is the industrial capital of Scotland. It is the third largest city in Great Britain. The typical products of Scotland are timber, whisky, salmon. Golf is the Scottish natural sport and it seems to have originated in this country. 3. Scotland is also the land of myths and mysteries; every castle has its ghost. Glamis Castle is said to have nine of them. And of course everyone knows about Loch Ness monster. "Nessie" is said to be about six meters long, with a long, thin neck. The first report of the monster in Loch Ness was in 565 A.D. Scientists have investigated the Loch and taken pictures but no scientific explanation of the mystery has been given. XII. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. Where is Scotland situated? 2. How many regions are there in Scotland? 3. What is Loch Ness Monster? 4. What are typical products of Scotland? 5. What are Scottish castles famous for?
Variant 4 I. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple. 1. It (be) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer. 2. The play just (begin). You are a little late. 3. We (miss) the bus. Now we’ll have to walk. 4. Mr. Count (work) as a cashier two years ago. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country. 5. I (to buy) a new car last summer, but I (not to sell) my old car yet. II . Прочитайте текст. Выпишите предложения, в которых употреблен Present Perfect , переведите их, задайте вопросы к ним. When he left school, Maximilian started work on the family farm. But he soon became bored. Country life wasn’t for him. And so at the age of 18 he left the village. He’s only come back three times since then. He went to Buenos Aires and there got a job on a ship that was sailing to the USA. On the ship he met a rich American businessman. He liked Maximilian and he offered him a job. He became a millionaire when he was only 25. Since then he has been part of the international jet set. Lately Maximilian has founded a charitable fund to help orphans. III . Переведите следующие предложения, правильно употребив временные формы. 1. Ему не хватило денег до конца месяца, потому что он купил машину. 2. Пассажиры очень устали, так как они не спали всю ночь. 3. К шести часам директор закончил переговоры с немецкими коллегами. 4. Когда врач пришел, ребенка уже увезли в больницу. 5. Мэри писала, что погода там прекрасная с начала июня. IV . Ответьте на вопросы письменно, употребив Future Perfect . 1. Have they built any houses in that area? (by next winter, four houses) 2. Have the children come home from school? (they, before she leaves for work) 3. Has he written a letter to his mother? (by the end of the day) V. Составьте мини - диалоги , употребив Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.
VI. Раскройте скобки , употребляя Past Indefinite или Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. When my mother (come) downstairs this morning, she couldn’t believe her eyes. We (do) all the washing-up and (made) breakfast for her. We (work) for an hour before she (wake up). 2. She (live) in Oxford when she (met) her husband. 3. Once I (tell) him the truth, I (feel) better. For many years I (keep) it a secret. VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление перфектных времен в страдательном залоге. 1. By the time you come back the flat will have been tidied up. 2. After he had been promised the job, he felt quite happy. 3. The new book has not been brought yet. VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив различные инфинитивные конструкции. 1. Объясните, пожалуйста, как добраться до ближайшей станции. 2. Никто не ожидал, что она так рано выйдет замуж. 3. Майкл предпринял еще одну попытку получить права на вождение (driving license). 4. Было уже слишком поздно идти в банк, и он решил одолжить денег у соседей. 5. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать на утренний рейс. IX . Перефразируйте предложения, употребив Complex Object . Сделайте все необходимые изменения. 1. It seems to us that he works very hard. 2. He wanted that the specialist cured him of his illness. 3. I think you will tell her to sell the car. X. Выделите Complex Subject. Переведите предложения . 1. She proved to know the subject. 2. It was silent in the room. Only the clock was heard to tick. 3. A young woman is supposed to have written this book.
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