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What do you know about your countries?

2020-02-03 238 Обсуждений (0)
What do you know about your countries? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок



                  1     1             11 2      
2     3   4                     5              
          4     6                              
                5                           7  
                                    8   9      
              6             10   7              
                9   14                          
                    13               12          




1. Which kind of sport was created in Central England and is known as the national English sport?

2. Which of British politicians is known as “the iron lady’?

3. A successful Russian tennis player, a twice repeated winner of “The Big Helmet”.

4. The capital of the Russian Federation.

5. The British writer considered to be one of the best short-story writers. His best-known novel is “Of Human Bondage”.

6. The russian Tsar who founded a city which became the “window to Europe”.

7. The first man who orbited the Earth on April 12, 1961.

8. The president of British Parliament presides on the Sack with...

9. The first woman-cosmonaut in the world.

10. The largest and deepest fresh-water lake in the world.

11. The longest river in Europe which flows into the Caspian sea.

12. An animal that was first launched into outer space.

13. Who (according to the legend) made a great fire in London in 1666?

14. A bird on the national emblem of the Russian Federation.

15. An outstanding Russian scientist who invented radio.




1. It is the second largest art museums in the world after the Louvre, which is situated in St.Petersburg.

2. A popular tourist route that includes ancient Russian towns and cities. (2 words)

3. The London residence of the British queen.

4. One of the oldest and most highly regarded British Universities.

5. An art gallery in Moscow and one of the greatest museums in the world.

6. An organization of about 50 independent states which were formerly parts of the British Empire.

7. They were the first conquerers of Great Britain.

8. Union Jack is the national ... of Great Britain.

9.  The haviest bell in the Moscow Kremlin but it doesnt ring.

10. Which famous playwright was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?

11. The London bus with two passenger decks.

12.  What is the British popular music group who made their first record in 1962.

13. Who (as many British children believe) brings Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter morning?

14. What flower is the national symbol of England?

15. An outstanding Russian poet, actor and dramatist who founded the first National theatre in Russia.


The London Quiz



Which answer is correct?

1) What is the highest mountain in the United Kingdom?
Ben Macdhui
Ben Nevis
Scafell Pike

2) Which English King had six wives?
Charles I
Harald Godwinson
Henry VIII
Williams III

3) Where in the UK is the Lake District?
Northern Ireland

4) What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?

5) Which is the symbol of Scotland?


6) What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November?
Guy Fawkes Night
Notting Hill Carnival
St. Patrick's Day

7) What are the famous guards of The Tower of London called?

The Guards

8) Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

in the Tower of London
in Windsor Castle
in Westminster Abbey


9) What did Madame Tussaud start in 1835?

a famous bakery
famous waxworks
a famous needle-point

10) How many galleries are housed in the British Museum?



Answers: 1 a, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a, 5 c, 6 a, 7 a, 8 a, 9 b, 10 c.




Sights of London

Match the names on the right with the pictures on the left.
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  
??? Nelson's Column Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey Clock Tower St. Paul's Cathedral Picadilly Circus No. 10 Downing Street Tower Bridge Horseguards The Tower of London  

Answers: Downing Street, Piccadilly Circus, Tower Bridge, The White Tower, Nelson’s Column, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, Police Station.

2020-02-03 238 Обсуждений (0)
What do you know about your countries? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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