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2020-02-04 670 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 11 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. Use a synonym:

1) There was a garden around the house. 2) The children ran up to the teacher and stood around him.

2. Translate :

1) Дамы окружили м-ра Уинкля. 2) Дом был окружен высокой стеной. 3) Больной был окружен заботой.


1.Practise aloud:

1) What a nice little garden! 2) How nice of you to remember it. 3) You must be nice to them. 4) It’s nice and warm here. 5) — How is your daughter getting on? — She is doing nicely, thank you. 6) Have a nice time!

2. Translate :

1) Это очень мило с вашей стороны. 2) Какой приятный день! 3) Мы очень хорошо провели время.


1.Use synonymous expressions:

1)The girl was so eager to tell the news to her friends that she threw the door open and quickly ran in without knocking. 2) On hearing that his friends were waiting for him outside, the boy ran quickly out of the room without saying good-bye to anybody. 3) At the sight of the clowns the children started laughing. 4) I thought the news would cheer her up, but on hearing it, she quite unexpectedly began to cry.

2. Translate :

1) Он стремительно вбежал в комнату. 2) Интересно, почему все рассмеялись. 3) Не понимаю, что заставило ее расплакаться.


1. Answer these questions:

1) When was your last meeting held? 2) How many times a year are our examinations held? 3) What kind of books is it usually difficult to get hold of? 4) What may hold one up in the street?

2. Complete the following sentences in any sensible way:

1) We can’t get hold of Professor Malov because ...

2) If I get hold of this book ...

3) He was held up in the street because ...

4) The teacher held up a picture and said ...

5) The man held out a letter and ...

3. Translate and complete the sentences:

1) Собрание, проведенное на днях, было ... .

2) Съезд, состоявшийся в прошлом году, ... .

3) Экзамены, состоявшиеся в январе, ... .

4) Конференция (the conference), проведенная в мае, ... .

5) Матч, проведений в конце мая, ... .



1) Don’t push the door, pull it and it will open. 2) Imust have this tooth pulled out. 3) This old house will be pulled down soon. 4) Pull yourself together and stop crying. 5) The boy caught hold of the man’s hand, and the man pulled him up. 6) Look out! The train is pulling up.

2. Answer these questions:

1) Where does one have to go to have a bad tooth pulled out?

2) Why are many houses being pulled down in Moscow?

3) Do you often have to pull yourself together? When do you do so?

3. Translate :

1) Я буду тянуть шкаф на себя, а ты толкай его. 2) Интересно, когда снесут этот дом. 3) Он (никак) не мог взять себя в руки. 4)Когда мы добежали до остановки, автобус уже подошел.


1.Translate :

1) They won’t receive the letter in time unless we send it by air mail.

2) I shan’t speak to you now unless you pull yourself together and consider the matter calmly.

2. Use a synonym:

1)The child will not improve if his elder brother doesn’t set him agood example. 2) I’ll get lost in this building if you don’t show me out. 3) He will not change his attitude to them if they don’t stop finding fault with everything he does or says.

3.Complete the following sentences using the words given in brackets:

1) She won’t be able to pull herself together unless... (to cheer up).

2) They won’t stop finding fault with your work unless... (to improve).

3) We shall miss the train unless ... (to hire a taxi).

4) You won’t make any progress in English unless ... (to change one’s attitude).


1. Translate:

1) You must give the matter proper consideration. 2) She isn’t beautiful in the proper sense of the word, but still she is very good-looking. 3) I want a proper explanation. 4) Why don’t you teach your child to do things properly?

2 Make up sentences of your own:

1) to set an example — the proper thing to do

2) the proper person — to improve things at the office

3) to point out the mistake at the proper time — to improve the work

4) to learn something properly (in the proper way) — to make progress

5) not to consider the matter properly — to have to do it again

6) not to be guilty in the proper sense of the word — not to be able to give a proper explanation.


1. Use synonymous expressions:

1)— Do you want this book now? — No, Idon’t. You needn’t return it yet. 2) As every student had only five minutes for his report, the teacher asked everybody to speak only on the subject. 3) The woman asked the boys not to leave one another as she was afraid that some of them might get lost in the big city. 4) Although Lanny was the only educated person in the village, the white people did not make friends with him because he was coloured.

2.Translate :

1) Такие марки стоит хранить. 2) Вы держите мою книгу уже целый месяц! Разве вы все еще ее не прочли? 3) Вы можете держать мой журнал еще два дня. 4) Вы бы лучше держали ребенка подальше от огня. 5) Почему ты сторонишься нас? 6) Сестры Петровы всегда держатся вместе. 7)Пожалуйста, придерживайтесь темы. 8) Мне так жаль, что я заставил вас ждать себя. 9) Его дети всегда держат свои книги в порядке.


1.Make up sentences of your own using the following table:

to make a mistake to get upset to change one’s mind to keep somebody waiting because of you (him, her, etc.) somebody’s carelessness bad weather


1. Complete in any sensible way:

1) Comparing my examples with the models given in the book, I found ... .

2) Your progress in English can’t be compared with his because ...

3) Comparing the two boys, Pusher found ...

4) How can you compare the service at these two hotels when here ... and there ...

2. Translate :

1) Как вы можете сравнивать этих двух певцов! 2) Опыт этих двух инженеров стоит сравнить. 3) Интересно, пытались ли вы сравнивать этот перевод с оригиналом. 4) Если вы сравните эти два фильма, вы обнаружите, что они очень похожи.



1) You’d better practise skating for another two weeks or so. You will find it very helpful. 2) I advise you to go skiing every Sunday. I am sure you won’t feel the worse for it. 3) A walk before going to sleep will improve the condition of his health. 4) My son is making good progress in music. 5) The young actress was given a very difficult role, but she managed it.

2. Add a beginning:

... It won’t do you any harm.

... I am sure it will do him good.

... Iam sure he’ll do well.

... Ifind she has done very well, don’t you?

3. Translate :

1) Прочитайте книгу еще раз, это будет только полезно. 2) Вы можете быть на солнце около двух часов, это вам не повредит. 3) Я не хочу, чтобы мой сын курил. Это ничего не приносит ему, кроме вреда.


1. Translate:

1) The boy sat leaning on the table, reading. 2) You can lean on my arm. 3) He leaned forward to see the picture better. 4) Don’t lean against the tree. It looks dirty. 5) He leaned back and burst out laughing. 6) The officers stood around the table leaning over a map.

2. Translate :

1) He опирайся на стол. 2) Обопритесь на мое плечо. 3) Он наклонился вперед. 4) Почувствовав себя плохо, он прислонился к стене. 5) Она сидела за столом, склонившись над книгой.

XXI. Paraphrase the parts in black type using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. I’ve tried my best to do something, but as you see I am unable to help you. 2. Why was Ann so sad yesterday? She wouldn’t even smile though I tried in every possible way to make her cheerful. 3. The story was so funny that in many places the guests laughed very loud, though the story-teller himself wore a serious expression. 4. When will the meeting take place? 5. Calm down, don’t get so angry and excited! The matter is very important and we must not get excited when considering it. 6. I wonder why he hasn’t come yet. Maybe something on the way has kept him back.

XXII.    Give the four forms of the following verbs:

to cheer up, to find, to feel, to burst, to hold, to keep, to make, to fall, to upset, to leave, to set, to sit, to rise, to sell, to buy, to cry, to pay, to study, to hear, to raise, to laugh, to run.

XXIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the combination of verb and adverbial particle:

1. Don’t lean out of the window. 2. He appeared on the platform just as the train was pulling up. 3. Say what you think now, don’t hold anything back.

XXIV. Combine the verbs with adverbial particles, translate the combinations into Russian and use them in sentences of your own:

in to push, to show
out to push, to lean, to pull, to show, to hold
down to push, to pull, to show
up to push, to pull, to hold
back to push, to lean, to pull
forward to push, to lean

XXV.    Choose the correct word from those given in brackets and use it in the necessary form:

(to keep away from, to keep in order, to keep, to keep together, to keep to the subject)

1. Comrade Klimov is a good speaker. He never makes his reports too long and always ... . 2. Where do you ... your skis? 3. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I can’t make out a thing in your notes. You won’t gain much unless you ... your notes ... . 4. Can I have some sweets, please? — Sorry, we don’t ... sweets here, they are over there in that department (отдел). 5. “Cheer up, boys,” John said to his companions when they discovered that they had got lost in the forest. “Everything will be all right as long as we... .” 6. ... those boys. Their company will do you no good.

XXVI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles where necessary:

1. “This patient will soon be operated ... ,” the professor said. “We’ll do everything ... our power to help him.” 2. ... hearing the sad news, the girl burst ... crying but she was soon surrounded ... her friends who did their best to cheer her ... . 3. What are you holding ... your hand? Is it a birthday present ... Ann? 4. I was late ... classes yesterday.because my tram was held ... . 5. I’ve been trying to get hold ... him for several days, but he seems to be always ... .6. This old house is to be pulled ... next month, and a kindergarten is to be built ... its place. 7. It’s unfair of the boys to keep ... Peter. He never meant to make fun ... anybody. 8. It was rather difficult to follow ... the speaker because he did not always keep ... the subject. 9. You often lose your books because you don’t keep them ... order. 10. After comparing the first dress ... the second one, the girl decided to choose the first. 11. I think that a month’s stay ... the South will do ... you a lot ... good. 12. ... hearing those words the boy leaned ... and burst ... laughing. 13. Nick hurt his leg and had to lean ... my arm. 14. “Don’t lean ... the table. How many times have I told you to keep your elbows (локти) ... the table,” the mother said ... an angry voice. 15. The girl sat ... the window leaning ... a book. 16. When the young engineer was showing the drawings (чертежи) ... his new machine, everybody leaned ... to have a better look ... them.

XXVII. Translate into English in writing, paying attention to the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Поезд был задержан сильным снегопадом (a heavy snowfall). Снег шел почти три дня. 2. В этом районе почти все старые дома уже снесены, и построено много новых домов. Много других еще строятся. 3. Я слышал, как доктор сказал, что он сделает все, что в его силах, чтобы спасти жизнь девочки. 4. Окруженный толпой веселых студентов, негритянский спортсмен едва успевал отвечать на все их вопросы. 5. Услышав крик своего ребенка в саду, мать стремглав выбежала из дома. 6. Девочка чуть было не расплакалась, но увидев новую игрушку, заулыбалась и побежала снова играть 7. Простите, что я беспокою вас в такой поздний час. Я целый день пытался поговорить с вами, но мне не удавалось застать вас. 8. Все рассмеялись при виде клоуна, появившегося на сцене в окружении нескольких собак, прыгавших вокруг него. 9. „Вы не сможете сдать экзамены, если не начнете как следует заниматься“, сказал преподаватель. 10. „Я прошу всех держаться ближе к теме. В нашем распоряжении всего полтора часа“, сказал председатель (the chairman) собрания. 11. Хотя Джесс был опытным рабочим, он не мог заработать достаточно, чтобы прокормить (содержать) семью.

XXVIII. Маке up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1) to find fault with

to be upset

to burst out crying

to cheer up

to pull oneself together

2) to fix the time

to keep someone waiting

to burst into the room

to explain

(not) to be in one’s power

to be held up because of

3) to notice

to surround to pull up at

to get off to discover

4) to hold a conference

to make a report

(not) to prepare properly

(not) to keep to the point

to compare

to blame

5) to need badly

to do everything in one’s power

to get hold of finally

to turn to somebody for help

6) to keep together

to set a bad example

to do a lot of harm

to tell somebody to keep away

7) to lean against to fall

to hurt

to be taken to hospital unless

a week later to be doing well

XXIX. Translate the following story in writing using the active words and word combinations and retell it in class:

Однажды в редакцию (editorial office) одного из московских журналов пришел пожилой (старый) крестьянин, одетый в старое пальто. Он выглядел смущенным (shy), и было ясно, что он никогда прежде не бывал в подобном учреждении. С удивлением посмотрев на необычного посетителя, секретарь спросил, чем он может быть ему полезен. „Я написал рассказ и хотел бы, чтобы редактор его просмотрел. Люди, которые уже читали рассказ, говорят, что его стоит напечатать“, — ответил старик, протягивая секретарю тонкую тетрадь. Секретарь взял рассказ, посоветовав старику зайти (to call for) за ответом недели через две.

Прошло две недели, и старик снова появился в редакции.

Секретарь доложил (сказал) о нем редактору (the editor), но в это время обсуждался новый роман известного писателя, и редактор забыл o посетителе. Старик просидел на диване более двух часов, когда, наконец, редактор вышел к нему. Старик поднялся с дивана. „Вы ведь Семенов, неправда ли? — начал редактор, все еще просматривая рассказ, который он держал в руках. — Мы прочитали ваш рассказ и ...“ В этот момент редактор поднял глаза (to look up) и увидел знакомое (familiar) лицо. Перед ним стоял Лев Толстой. Великий писатель просидел в редакции два часа, ожидая редактора, и не назвал (дал) своего имени. Он очень хотел, чтобы редактор такого большого московского журнала принял рассказ от неизвестного крестьянина.


XXX.    Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the children look upon the boy who went to buy а ticket as their personal enemy?

2. Why did Alan tell a lie in reply to Pusher’s question?

3. Did Pusher understand that Alan had told a lie? Why do you think so?

4. Why did all the boys burst out laughing?

5. Why did Pusher come to know boys well?

6. Why did the circus people prefer hiring boys?

7. Why couldn’t the boys’ parents buy circus tickets for their children?

XXXI. Give Pusher’s words in indirect speech.

XXXII. Retell the following episodes from the text:

a) The boys waiting for the arrival of the circus.

b) The boys at work.

c) The boys after the tent was at last fixed.

d) The feelings of the brothers after the performance.

XXXIII. Retell the text:

a) as it is

b) in the person of Alan

c) in the person of Eddie

d) in the person of Pusher

XXXIV. Dramatize the following episodes:

1. The Boys Being Hired

Characters: Pusher, Eddie, Alan

2. The Boys as Work

Characters: Alan, Eddie

XXXV. Retell this text and discuss the questions following it:


Ernesto returned to his native country, to the little Spanish town where his early childhood had been spent ...

Some twenty years before when the fascists unleashed a civil war in Spain, Ernesto’s father had sent him to the Soviet Union. In those days many Spanish parents, wishing to save the lives of their children, did that.

In the Soviet Union little Ernesto, like the other Spanish children, was given all the attention and care he needed.

After leaving school he chose the profession of a circus artist. He was a great success in the Soviet Union.

When Ernesto with his family returned to his native country, he was greatly surprised to discover that in Spain a circus artist was considered to have no profession at all. “Don’t you know that everybody will look upon you as a beggar (нищий) here?” his father said. “I wonder what made you choose that profession.”

Ernesto felt hurt, but he pulled himself together and did not

say a word.

He hoped to find a job in spite of all his father had told him. He did not believe his father was right, besides he felt responsible for his family — Elvira, his wife, a skilled circus artist too, and a little daughter who had come with him from the Soviet Union.

On arriving in Madrid, Ernesto made his way straight to the circus. The manager did not seem unfriendly at first. Having asked Ernesto several questions, he said: “I’ll have to see what you can do first. That’ll be fair, won’t it?” “We’ll be glad to show all we can,” Ernesto said. “But my wife and I have been out of practice for some time. We’d like to rehearse [rɪʹhǝ:s] our number. We can do it right here on this arena [ǝʹri:nǝ], can’t we?” Ernesto asked smiling, “That was the usual practice over there, in the Soviet Union.” But to his great surprise the manager’s attitude changed the moment he heard his question.

“What?” he burst out. “Rehearse at my expense? Don’t you make fun of me, young man. I have no time for jokes, and please stop comparing us with the Soviet circus. Here you must prepare your number at your own expense. I have no doubt that your work is good, but you are worth nothing to me without your number.”

For the rest of the day Ernesto walked about the city considering his position. At last he bought a ticket and went to a circus show. At the sight of the gloomy half-empty tent Ernesto immediately realized that people didn’t consider circus shows to be worth seeing.

Having spent several months in a fruitless search (поиски) for work, Ernesto at last realized that he would never get hired in the Spanish circus.

At home things looked gloomy, although his wife, always a good companion, tried to cheer him up.

One Sunday, his father said to him: “You don’t seem to have any sense of responsibility, son. Do you think I’ll keep your family for ever, with your wife expecting another child?” Ernesto was not angry. He realized now how little his father could do to change things in this world where money decided everything.

The next day he wrote a letter to his friends in the Soviet Union asking them to help him return to Moscow to his former life and work. (After Y. Doskach).

Q u e s t i o n s t o b e d i s c u s s e d:

1. Why was Ernesto sent to the Soviet Union when he was a child? What events were taking place in Spain at that time?

2. Why did Ernesto decide to return to Spain?

3. What do you think of Ernesto’s father?

4. Why did Ernesto decide to return to the Soviet Union?


XXXVI. Ask a passer-by (прохожий) to show you the way to the booking-office.

XXXVII. Tell the booking clerk at the station what seats you would like to book.

XXXVIII. Ask a railway official where you can have your luggage labelled and put in the van, and which platform your train is leaving from.

XXXIX. Say a few words to a person who is going on a journey.

XL. Look at the pictures carefully and make up stories using the words given in brackets:

a) (to make oneself comfortable, to enjoy oneself, in spite of, to take no notice of, to hurt the eyes)

Words you may need: to play with blocks играть в кубики , smoke дым , to rub one’s eyes тереть глаза

b) (to find oneself, to feel tired, to discover, at the sight of, to consider, reasonable, to set up a tent, to make oneself comfortable, to move on)

Words you may need: to dress the New Year tree наряжать елку , to make use of something использовать что - либо


Grammar: (revision) Degrees of Comparison (Table No. 5)


(to be learned by heart)

Impressions of a film

A. ʹWhat ʹfilms are on this week? ʹAre there ʹany ʹworth seeing?

B. ʹRomeo and Juliet is on. I ʹsaw it at our ʹlocal cinema the other day.

A. To ʹtell you the truth, | I preʹfer to ʹsee ʹballet performed at the theatre | esʹpecially if the ʹplot and the ʹmusic are familiar.

B. I ʹdon’t quite a gree with you. ʹSometimes I ʹfind that ʹbaliet is ↑ much more exʹpressive on the screen.1

A. Do you? Then, | ʹwhat’s your oʹpinion of the ʹscreen ʹversion of ʹRomeo and Juliet?

B. I ʹthink it’s ʹwonderful from be ↑ ginning to end. I enʹjoyed every minute of it. The ʹcast is ʹvery ʹwell chosen and the ʹdancing is excellent.

A. Well, I must ʹgo and ʹsee it for my self since you praise it so highly.

B. You ʹcertainly must. I am ʹsure it will ʹmake you ʹchange your mind about ballet films.

A.We’ll see. Well, | ʹthen I’ll be ʹlooking ʹforward to a ʹgood talk with you about it.


1. I find that ballet is much more expressive on the screen

Я нахожу , что на экране балет становится гораздо более выразительным. Наречие much гораздо, намного являетсясредством усиления сравнительной степени прилагательных и наречий.


prefer [prɪʹfǝ:] (preferred, preferring) v предпочитать

Syn. would rather ... than              лучше (скорее) ..., чем

Prp. Gr. to prefer smb. or smth.    предпочесть кого-л. или что-л.

to smb. or smth. else                      кому-л. или чему-л. еще

to prefer to do smth.                      предпочесть сделать что-л.

to prefer doing smth.                     предпочесть сделать что-л.

e . g . Would you like tea or cof-       Вам чаю или кофе? — Я предпочитаю

fee? — I prefer coffee (to tea.)        кофе (чаю.) (= Я лучше выпью

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THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 11 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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